The Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance has won a grant through the the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. This grant will result in an increase in the condition and extent of koala habitat in the Coffs Harbour and North Bellingen Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS). Across the 2.5 years of this project, JBA through its partners will:
- undertake weed control and ecological restoration work at 11 sites across 54ha of koala habitat and key linkages. Revegetation with 1400 trees in koala habitat and linkages. Planting will expand on existing habitat or increase diversity of preferred feed trees with infill planting;
- using wildlife detection dogs, survey 15 discrete locations across 75 ha for koala scat material;
- and conduct two learning/training and koala education awareness raising events:
- Training event for koala rescuers/carers and community members interested in koala care, and
- Gumabayngirr led koala awareness and planting community event on country.
- Training event for koala rescuers/carers and community members interested in koala care, and
Key delivery partners for this project are Never Never Catchment Group, Canines for Wildlife, Bellingen Landcare, Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Networks, Coffs Harbour City Council, Coffs Harbour Local Aboriginal Land Council, Yandarra, The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and NSW Forestry Corporation.
Funding by
Delivery partners are: