Bellingen Shire Council
Bellingen Shire Council aspires to ‘work together to protect and enhance our environment’ and ‘protect and enhance our biodiversity’. As a delivery partner for the Jaliigirr C4 project since 2012, Council has worked with local contractors, private landholders and Crown Lands, to rehabilitate 66 hectares of priority vegetation corridors in Dorrigo, Bellingen, Hydes Creek, Fernmount and Urunga. Council has implemented weed control, tree planting, direct seeding and stock fencing to encourage bush regeneration in significant conservation areas including:
- priority koala habitat corridors in North Bellingen and Hyde’s Creek
- remnant riparian vegetation adjacent to the Bellinger River Estuary
- Antarctic Beech Cool Temperate Rainforest at Dangar Falls
- Giant Barred Frog (endangered) habitat at Ringwood Creek in North Bellingen
- land adjoining World Heritage Gondwana Rainforest in Dorrigo National Park and,
- Endangered Ecological Ecosystems surrounding Urunga Lagoon including Coastal Saltmarsh and Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest.

Bellinger Landcare Inc.
Bellinger Landcare Inc. is a not-for-profit umbrella organisation that supports the Landcare community across the Bellingen Shire, including the Bellinger Valley, Dorrigo Plateau and the coastal areas. Its vision is: community restoring and connecting ecosystems. Its mission is: empowering our community to create healthy ecosystems across the Shire.
Bellinger Landcare Inc. was the lead delivery partner in the Jaliigirr Landscape Connections in the Great Eastern Ranges project.

Canines for Wildlife
Canines for Wildlife are located near Bellingen within the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance region and provide professionally trained and certified conservation scent detection dog teams for threatened species survey, monitoring, research and management; invasive species detection and control; and ecological services by experienced ecologists.
The Canines for Wildlife detection dog team are working line English Springer Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels and a Border Collie. The CFW team work on several threatened species including koala, silver-head and black-tailed dusky antechinus, Hastings River mouse and endangered orchids. They also detect invasive species including orange hawkweed, cane toads and red-eared slider turtle.
Canines for Wildlife have been a partner of and worked with JBA on collaborative projects since 2018.

Centre for Ecological Learning
The Centre for Ecological Learning Incorporated (CEL) was founded to provide Earth-based, immersive, and meaningful education experiences about the natural world and our relationship with it, for both young people and adults. Our programs offer hands-on, facilitated experiences in nature, bushcraft and survival skills training, practical education for sustainable living, and education/advocacy skills on a range of crucial environmental issues. CEL is pleased to be a partner of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance as part of our continuing quest to connect our wider community to the natural world.

City of Coffs Harbour
City of Coffs Harbour has responsibility for natural area management within numerous public reserves, the Coffs Coast State Park, and jointly manages the Coffs Coast Regional Park with the National Parks and Wildlife Service. We are a delivery partner for the Jaliigirr C4 project, and oversee on-ground project activities for this project within the Coffs Harbour LGA in partnership with Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Inc. and the Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council.

Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council
The Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council’s Darrunda Wajaarr green team is committed to caring for Gumbaynggirr country from Corindi in the north to Wenona Headland in the south.
Our dedicated team was established 10 years ago, and has been working in partnership with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Coffs Harbour City Council, NSW Local Land Services, Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare, Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and other green teams. Darrunda Wajaarr prides itself on its achievements in regenerating our beautiful headlands, bushlands and culturally significant sites, and undertakes best practice bush regeneration and site management techniques which varies on a site to site basis. Activities include fencing, weed control, revegetation, seed collection, as well as the planning, monitoring and reporting of on-ground works undertaken.

Partner Contact
02 6652 8740admin@coffsharbourlalc.com.au

Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare is an incorporated not for profit community organisation acting as the umbrella group for over 300 landcare volunteers working at approximately 40 sites in the Coffs Harbour area. Membership of CHRL is open to everyone and the organisation is managed by an elected executive committee. Volunteers work on coastal sites within the Coffs Coast Regional Park, on council reserves or other public land managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, by the Coffs Harbour City Council or NSW Crown Lands. Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare is a founding member of the Alliance and has been involved in a number of projects as well as in project development from time to time and as appropriate.

Partner Contact
02 6651 1308coordinator@coffsharbourlandcare.org.au

Dandarrga Landcare
Dandarrga Landcare is an enthusiastic group of people on the Dorrigo Plateau, and a member group of both Bellinger Landcare Inc and Clarence Landcare Inc.
We apply our skills in bush regeneration, propagation of rainforest species, project management and community education in order to:

Dorrigo Plateau Local Aboriginal Land Council
The Dorrigo Plateau Local Aboriginal Land Council (DPLALC) was incorporated in 1999 under the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to hold and manage land, houses and business enterprises in the Dorrigo Plateau area, and to protect and enhance the interests of its members. The DPLALC forms common boundaries with Coffs Harbour, Armidale, Grafton Ngerrie and Bowraville Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
The Dorrigo Plateau LALC is primarily involved in the preservation of Aboriginal burial sites, working with National Parks & Wildlife Service and other organisations on land restoration and management issues, and identifying land of cultural heritage significance. We are an active member of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and have, and will continue to, contribute to Alliance projects and activities.

Envite Environmental
Envite Environment is a not-for profit organisation delivering ecological restoration services in New South Wales since 1993. The organisation originated in Northern New South Wales and is expanding environmental services to Eastern Victoria, Southern New South Wales and Queensland. Envite Environment has merged with Workways Australia, a not-for-profit, charitable employment and community services organisation. Workways’ head office, is located in Bairnsdale, East Gippsland.
Envite is excited to be a partner in the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance, we value the Alliance’s capacity to develop sustainable economies, provide healthy landscapes and build socially inclusive communities in regional Australia. The collaborative partnerships developed through the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance enables Envite to implement bush regeneration and revegetation projects with other alliance partners, including Coffs Harbour and Bellingen Landcare and Council, NPWS and NSW Forestry Corporation. We provide project management and support to Dorrigo Local Aboriginal Land Council, Dorodong Indigenous Protected Area and Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council.

Gondwana Rainforests WHA
Dorrigo and New England National Parks are part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. They contain fascinating ancient species, precious rainforest communities and habitats for threatened species of value to peoples across the globe. The Jaligirr Biodiversity Alliance supports the protection and management of the World Heritage Area through its work in promoting an appreciation of these unqie, fragile and magnificent places and through cooperative on-ground works to conserve habitats and address threats.

Great Eastern Ranges (GER)
Since 2007, the Great Eastern Ranges (GER) initiative has been bringing people together to connect, protect and regenerate nature, providing solutions at the scale needed to meet our climate, biodiversity and wellbeing challenges.
GER serves as a backbone organisation for connectivity conservation providing the big-picture vision and catalysing collective action to achieve shared conservation and restoration goals across public and private land. We take a collaborative approach, partnering with over 250 environmental non-profits, Landcare and community groups, government agencies, First Nations organisations and research partners. Through our partnerships, we support community-led projects that meet local needs and build capacity, while filling the gaps in science, knowledge, resources and collaboration needed to link these efforts across multiple landscapes to create positive impacts at the regional and continental scale.

Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance Inc.
The purpose of the JBA Inc. is to act as the business unit of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance. Its stated objective is “to fulfil the objectives of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance collaborative partnership; including the provision of facilitation & coordination, independent financial capacity, and marketing & promotion – in respect of the activities of the alliance”
The JBA Inc. provides independent governance capacity for the Alliance. JBA Inc. provides governance for any contract management matters of the Alliance – as determined via priorities and decisions of the Jaliigirr partners at the Alliance working group meetings and at partner gatherings.

Nature Conservation Council
The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) was established in 1955 to provide a united voice for community environmental organisations from across the state. Representing more than 200 community organisations with a combined membership of over 60,000 individuals, we are a force for positive change. Together, we provide a powerful voice for nature and are committed to protecting and restoring the unique natural environment of our state. In addition to this work, NCC’s Healthy Ecosystems Program through the Hotspots Fire Project, Bushfire Program and Large Forest Owl Project is forming lasting alliances with farmers, Traditional Owners, public land managers and the community, to deliver real-world solutions to natural resource management challenges, including fire management, invasive species control and habitat restoration through partnerships such as the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance, Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium, Great Eastern Ranges Initiative and the NSW Environmental Trust.

Never Never Catchment Group
NNCG has been actively working in partnership with local and state government agencies and NGO’s for the past nearly 30 years to improve catchment water quality and health of riparian zones and to restore habitat and connectivity for native wildlife. NNCG is proud to be a partner of the Jaliigirr alliance.

North Coast Local Land Services
North Coast Local Land Services is helping secure the future of farming and the environment for North Coast communities. Our projects and partnerships grow farm productivity and healthy environments and also play a vital role in helping to protect against pests, diseases and environmental threats. As one of the founding members of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and administrator of the Jaliigirr Connecting Communities and Cultures through Corridors Project (C4) we actively support collaborative initiatives that lead to greater environmental outcomes for the North Coast region.

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
NSW DCCEEW was a founding partner of the Alliance, which was formulated from the implementation of the Northern Rivers Regional BMP. DCCEEW observed the successes of other collaborative alliances across the north coast region and saw the opportunity provided by the area’s high biodiversity and iconic landscapes to create a regional partnership that took advantage of local skills and strong community relationship with country.
The partnership has been particularly valuable in engaging the Aboriginal community as an equal player in connected landscape conservation with the arrival of initiatives such as GER and DCCEEW’s Saving Our Species program. The JBA has facilitated DCCEEW’s ability to obtain positive outcomes across the region and build strong cohesive partnerships with regional NRM and landholders.
The Alliance is a key delivery partner through which DCCEEW can have a broad, cross-tenured impact on improving threatened species and biodiversity outcomes.

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) North Coast Region manages the national parks, nature reserve, state conservation areas and regional parks across the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance project area. These national parks and reserves form the core conservation areas and corridors with other public and private conservation lands.
NPWS supports community partnerships that foster the work of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance. NPWS have delivered several projects with the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance in New England National Park, the Coffs Coast Regional Park and Bongil Bongil National Park.

OzGREEN is a not-for-profit organisation based in Bellingen that operates nationally in Australia and overseas in India, Latin America and East Timor. OzGREEN’s unique approach incorporates citizen science, sustainability education, participatory leadership and community development, enabling people to take action to improve their environment. OzGREEN has been involved with the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative since 2007 as lead partner of the Hunter Regional Partnership where we have engaged hundreds of landholders in restoring over 1000ha of land through the Stepping Stones project. We are excited to be involved in the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and the great outcomes they are achieving in our local area.

Taronga Conservation Society Australia
Taronga has an absolute commitment to the conservation of wildlife in Australia and around the world. We are committed to the conservation of native species, with active involvement in breed and release programs, habitat recovery and the rehabilitation and release of injured or orphaned wildlife.
And we are committed to protecting and sustaining wildlife in their natural habitats, and provide support for work in the field through national and international conservation partnerships, field grants and fellowships.
Taronga is proud to partner with and support the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance in their habitat connectivity work.

We call our group Yandaarra, a group going together, shifting camp together. This is also the name for our research and our work together. It is what we are doing – moving – and how we are doing it – together. It is our research journey and our research process. We’re walking together, remembering, coming into a consciousness that is the Dreaming. Yandaarra is directed and led by Aunty Shaa Smith under the guidance of the old Fellas and Gumbaynggirr Country and with Neeyan Smith, her daughter, in the place of continuing to pass down knowledge from generation to generation. Yandaarra includes Sarah Wright and Paul Hodge from the University of Newcastle, and the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance as partners.
It is with our deepest love and respect that we acknowledge and give thanks to our Gumbaynggirr Ancestors for giving us the place to support and walk with them to continue the ceremony in communion with our mother earth.