Through the SoS co-investment project Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and its partners will undertake actions to manage key threats impacting the conservation of 29 ha
Lowland Rainforest and 5ha Lowland Rainforest on Floodplain. Works at these sites will consist of enrichment plantings, bush regeneration and weed control in remnant
vegetation. These works will reduce the impacts of invasive vines on canopy structure, facilitate recovery of the structure of canopy vegetation and promote the
recruitment and natural expansion of canopy and understorey vegetation into new areas through reduced competition from invasive species. Works will occur within
Critically Endangered Lowland Rainforest and Lowland Rainforest on Floodplain located in Bindarii and Bongil Bongil National Park. Additional outputs from the SOS
project scope will include project promotion, landholder engagement, community participation and monitoring and evaluation.
This project has been supported by the New South Wales Government’s Saving our Species program.