COMPLETED Canine scent detectives and genetics analysis promoting koala population health in Jaliigirr Corridors – Stage 2

COMPLETED Canine scent detectives and genetics analysis promoting koala population health in Jaliigirr Corridors – Stage 2

The project aims to build on the “Canine scent detectives promoting koala population health in Jaliigirr Corridors project from 2020-21” (Baker L and J Nesbitt 2021), which surveyed koala activity and collected fresh koala scats for future genetic analysis in the Sawtell-Toormina-Boambee area. The three recommendations from the project were to:

1) Undertake genetic processing and analysis of the collected scat material

2) Based on the genetic analysis resurvey and collect additional scat material from priority sites within the 2020-21 survey area where necessary, and

3) Undertake additional koala activity survey, scat collection and genetic analysis in new priority locations within Coffs Harbour City Council area.


This project is funded through the Coffs Harbour City Council Environmental Levy.